Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Holiday Cards!

This year at Real Art we took a laid-back approach to the festive season. No crazy websites or high-end print projects... instead we decided to go hand-made and heart-felt with our holiday mailings. Each of us came up with our own messaging and made our own cards and letters to clients and friends. Pretty cool idea! So here's a snapshot I took of some of my favorite ones I made. Simple little "rough" pencil and pen drawings of reindeer on notebook paper spray-mounted to brown paper cards I hand-tore and folded. I liked how they turned out and hopefully our clients will dig them too!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Here's A Reason to Take More Vacation Days!

I took a vacation day and was wandering around the craft store last Thursday looking for some stuff for another project I was working on - and ran across a cool canvas. The concept for this painting hit me as I was standing there in the aisle, so I grabbed it up and rushed home to get started!

(I need to take a random vacation day off work more often... especially if I continue to fill my dwindling "spare time" with painting!)

Acrylic on canvass.

Hope you dig.